General Fragrance Recommendations For Cosmetics

Finding out how much fragrance or essential oil you need, You can also follow the general recommended amounts for various products below.

  • Essential Oil
Product Type Amount per 1 kg of Product % of Product Weight
Cold Process Soap 43.7 gm 4.37
Melt and Pour Soap  18.7 gm 1.87
Rebatch Soap  25 gm 2.5
Lotion 12.5 gm 1.25
Liquid Soap 12.5 gm 1.25
Salts and Scrubs 18.7 gm 1.87
Candles 50 gm 5
Shampoo and Conditioner 12.5 gm 1.25


  • Fragrance Oil
Product Type Amount per 1 kg of Product % of Product Weight
Cold Process Soap 43.7 gm 4.37
Melt and Pour Soap  18.7 gm 1.87
Rebatch Soap  25 gm 2.5
Lotion 12.5 gm 1.25
Liquid Soap 12.5 gm 1.25
Salts and Scrubs 18.7 gm 1.87
Candles 50 gm 5
Shampoo and Conditioner 12.5 gm 1.25

They are medium strength, though you can safely add up to the higher rates if you like more scent in your products. It is recommend that you measure fragrance by weight (ounces or grams) for accuracy.

This number will vary based on the scent selection, you may want to reduce fragrance amount for stronger scents like peppermint similarly some fragrance and essential oils are light, so you can always use a little more or a little less to your preference. This suggested amounts are based on safety guidelines created by IFRA (International Fragrance Association) and RIFM (Research Institute for Fragrance Materials). 

CosmeticsDiyEssential oilsFragrance oilsMelt and pourPerfumeSoapSoap making